The Queen (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 1) Page 3
I looked again at the landscape feeling the sadness consuming me a little more that morning. Every morning I found myself looking at that same scenario with the certainty that I would never go outside again. Although I missed stepping on green grass or touching the cold water of Lake Ness, my room was still the safest place in the Highlands. A knock on the oak door interrupted my thoughts. I didn't have to turn around to know that Annabel, my sister, was the one who came into my quarters. I smiled lightly, but did not look at her and continued to face the landscape. That one had become my only happy moment.
- Good morning! - Annabel said in her soft voice. - I brought your breakfast. Toast with jelly and a nice teapot. I also got the tamed shrew you wanted so badly.
- Looks good! - I whispered with a smile. - Will you eat with me?
Annabel nodded smiling. Every morning she'd bring breakfast and occasionally a book. I wasn't allowed to go beyond my bedroom door, so she came to me. My mother came a few times, which was a relief.
My room was the largest in the castle and had belonged to Aila. Annabel had insisted on my mother staying with him after Aila's departure. Since I'd become a prisoner, I'd be in the most comfortable room. I was not bothered by the fact that I was a prisoner in my own home, since I was very afraid of the outside world and the people who lived there.
The room had a bathroom area; a bed with canopy, which was in the center of the room and a table with only two chairs. On the wall by the door there was a fireplace and in front of it an armchair, in which I spent most of the time reading, praying or looking at the narrow window. Many times I spent so much time there that I ended up falling asleep.
- It's a beautiful day, although a fine rain is falling on Inverness. - she said. I could hear the tinkling of the cups when she put the tray on the table. - You know I know the passages well. Why don't you come take a walk with me?
- Nice try, but I'd rather stay here! - I answered dry.
- Aideen, you can't stay in this room forever, my sister! - she took a break. - You know I can help you get out of this place, right?
Like I have a choice! I did.
- Go out for what? Where to? - I asked myself, turning around. - You know I can't hunt, and I have very little skill with the sword. I'd die before I even got to the next town.
- You'll die if you stay alone in this room. - she returned it.
I laughed without feeling like it.
- A great irony! - I grumbled. - I don't know what would be more pleasant: dying here, being humiliated by our mother, accused of being useless or out there alone.
I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.
- Although there's not that much difference between the two options.
Annabel shook her head from side to side. She was only allowed to stay in my room for meals, so I made the most of her company. She was my middle sister. He was sweet and gentle. Although she looked delicate, she was very fearless and loved adventures. He knew of all the hidden passages of Inverness and was always running away. Our mother had never been able to find out about her leaks, but she doubted that she would punish her somehow. Annabel was always our mother's favorite. His hair was silver and his eyes were blue, sapphire in colour. She didn't look like any of us, since Aila and I were redheads like our father. Our mother used to say that Annabel looked like our maternal grandmother, but I never had contact with her to be sure.
Annabel took a deep breath before smoothing out her ivory-coloured dress and sitting on one of the chairs. I walked up to her and sat on the next chair. She began to serve herself the toast, which was already with the jelly, while drinking the blackberry tea, our favorite.
- No knives? - I asked by frowning.
- Yeah. - She sighed looking at my wrists. - I think we know exactly why.
I rolled my eyes in silence. A few days ago, when Annabel brought my coffee, I took the knife she had brought and tried to cut my wrists. I had a fight with our mother and I tried to hit her with the knife. I had hit her shoulder and she left the room in despair. The knife stuck in the wall and I picked it up hoping to end my life. Annabel was very nervous when she saw me sitting in the chair with blood running down her wrists. One of the villagers came and closed the wound which was not as deep as I had imagined.
- I think you should run! - she insisted on the conversation.
- Where are you going with this, Annabel? - I asked in an angry voice. - You've never made me that offer before. Why did you decide to insist on this idea right now?
Annabel took a deep breath, leaning back on the chair.
- Mommy arranged my wedding with one of the lords. - she fired.
- It was taking her a while to come back with that idea. - I mumbled by banging my fists on the table. - Is that why you're so worried about me?
- Yes. - She answered with sadness. - I don't want to leave you here alone. You won't survive.
- I've survived so far, haven't I? I can survive much longer. - he said. - Enjoy your liberation from that uninhibited megera.
- Oh! Aideen! You're only seventeen, but you talk like you have a lot more.
- That's why I know I'll survive much longer, although I don't want my life to go on any longer.
Annabel smiled at me, but her expression was still worried. I sighed because I knew something was still wrong.
- So, who's the lucky guy? - I asked by letting my hands go of hers.
- Prince Alistair!
- What's that? What's that? - said by jumping out of the chair. - He's nine years older than you and he's an ogre! He has been in countless battles and is used to treating everyone without any delicacy. He'll be mean to you! How could Ravenna agree to such an absurdity?
My breakthrough, with a mixture of anger and fear, was so strong that it reached the corridors of the floor we were on. She walked into my room unannounced. She was wearing a dark-colored dress to match her reddish-brown hair. Her eyes were as blue as Annabel's.
- What's going on here? - she asked in an angry voice.
- You... You monster! - I vociferous in anger. - Of all the terrible things she's done to us, marrying Annabel to that butcher was by far the worst of them!
- Lower your tone, miss! - she ordered it cold. - First of all, I'm his mother and you must respect me.
- Mom? You're not my mom! - I retracted. - You're just a being who put us in the world.
My mother smiled with the same coldness that she smiled every time she spoke to me.
- Aideen, do I need to remind you what it's like to have manners? - she asked with her mother at the waist where the short whip was attached.
I rolled up my eyes swallowing dry. She'd been carrying that whip around her waist ever since I tried to hit her with a stab wound. I felt a twinge in the skin of my back and a cold went through my spine. Slowly I breathed to contain the anger and fear that was beginning to take hold of me.
- That won't be necessary. - I whispered looking down at the ground. My hands were so tightly closed that I began to feel my fingernails stick to the skin of my palm. - I know what your level of punishment is.
- Oh, great! - she smiled with satisfaction. - Now can you explain to me what a break that was?
- It was nothing, Mom. - said Annabel in a soft voice. - Aideen is only worried because I will marry Prince Alistair.
- I'm not the one who proposed a wedding ring to Brice. He who sought his father and offered a great dowry for Annabel's hand. - she explained. - That alliance is advantageous to us, so I couldn't refuse.
- You selfish, Machiavellian! - he said between his teeth. - You sold my sister to that pig?
He had never seen Alistair in person, but he knew his reputation as the most cruel warrior on the battlefield, because he had been created for war. In the years he had been away, Alistair dedicated himself even more to this function. I've heard terrible things about your conduct. The way he crushed his opponents' heads with his hands. Not to mention the stories of orgies with his men and various women. A person like that wasn't
meant to be my sister's husband. I imagined him tall, full of muscles, with his hair disheveled and with horrendous scars that deformed his face and body. A disgusting being, without any sensitivity.
- You should stop talking nonsense. - Ravenna said by folding her arms. - Annabel, you must prepare for the journey. In fact, you both should.
- A trip? Where to? - I asked confused. Annabel looked down.
- We're going to Dunhill for the engagement tonight. - she responded by turning her back. - Annabel's getting married tomorrow at sunset.
Despair has taken hold of me. The thought of going outside and being among so many people again... My body shook with fear.
- Why can't I stay here? - I asked in a voice full of despair.
- Because it's your sister's wedding and everyone in the family should be there. - she replied with coldness. - Even though you're incompetent and useless!
My eyes were filled with tears. Hate took possession of my body and I trembled. I no longer had any strength and did not know how much longer I would survive that hell, whose wife in front of me, had provided for me on a whim. The union of the MacCalister and MacBride clans would bring Ravenna a great fortune and she would regain the status she so longed for. She would become the mother of the future queen of Scotland.
Unfortunately, Annabel was the most submissive of the three of us. So our mother believed. I knew very well that she only did what Ravenna wanted so it wouldn't be deducted from me. The three of us had quite different personalities. Annabel was fearless and courageous, but she had always had the habit of speaking too much about everything that came to her mind. I, on the other hand, was considered fragile because I was the youngest. My sisters were not far from the truth when I thought like this, for my spirit of freedom and determination was completely tamed some time ago. Thanks to what my mother calls incompetence, Ravenna began to use what had happened to me as a weapon for her blackmail and take away whatever was from both of us. Annabel's life has been on a scale thanks to me.
- Alistair hates us and will mistreat Annabel. I'm sure it'll make her life a living hell. - I paused by closing my eyes. - I understand hell very well to know what I'm saying and I don't want that for Annabel.
My mother gave me a cold laugh.
- And whose fault is that? - she turned to me and picking up my chin spoke between her teeth. - If I hadn't screwed up, who knows, today I wouldn't marry you both? One with each prince. Instead, I'm just marrying Annabel and you...
She squeezed my chin harder and turned my head from side to side as if evaluating me.
- You're nothing but a worthless dead weight that I'll have to carry for the rest of my life. - she laughed coldly. - Maybe I can sell her as a slave?
- Hey, Mom! - Annabel's voice echoed.
I gave my mother's hand a kick and she walked away. Tears of hatred appeared in my eyes.
- You're a monster! - I cried. - I hate her with all my might! One day you'll regret everything you've done.
- So be it! - she shrugged her shoulders. - You must prepare yourselves, for the journey is long.
- I'm not going anywhere! - said without blinking.
- Try to disobey me again, Aideen! - she took a break. - Try it!
She slammed the door behind her, leaving the room silent for a few moments.
- I hate you! - I screamed breaking the deadly silence that followed for minutes. Annabel ran to support me when I fell on the floor.
- Shiii! - she whispered hugging me. - Stay calm! Don't cry, my doll! I'm here!
Annabel had a thing for saying that I looked like a little porcelain doll because of my pale, light skin. I hated the way my mother treated me and it was time to put an end to it. I decided it would be better to try to survive on my own than to languish little by little, next to a despicable woman. I was just hoping Annabel would come along with me.
- I'll run away! - he said to the cries. - Come with me!
- No, my sister! I'll stay here and guarantee your escape! - she smiled. - Someone must do what she wants or there will be consequences. She doesn't care about you and she won't miss you.
- Yes, but I'll feel yours!
- And I'm yours, beautiful doll!
We hugged and cried for hours on end. All the pain in my broken heart was being put out and I hoped it would be the last time. A long time ago I faced the pains of a past that insisted on staying alive in my mind. Thanks to my mother, who did the impossible so I wouldn't forget. She decided that I would live this way until the end of my life to pay for a plan that had gone wrong. At first the isolation seemed dark and dark, as well as the reason why I had that fortune. He was afraid of the people and the evil they carried within them. I've seen enough for someone so young.
- I'm tired! - he said, drying his tears. - I'll get some sleep before I leave.
- You haven't slept again? - Annabel asked by standing up. I did it with my head and walked to bed. - My sister, you can't live awake. You barely feed and you'll get sick like this.
- What can I do about it? - I asked in a voice full of despair. - Every time I close my eyes, horrible things come up. I'd rather stay awake than have to deal with the shadows.
Annabel smiled with sadness.
- I wanted to see her smile like she used to. - said she helping me to lie down and then, as if I were a baby, covered me by kissing my forehead. - Now go to sleep and rest. Everything will be fine when you wake up.
I doubted a lot about it, but I was too tired to have spent another night in the clear because of the nightmares. It didn't take much effort to get to sleep, but it soon fell into another one of his dark dreams. Annabel's voice echoed in my mind giving me strength. The reminder that everything would be fine when I woke up, made the bad dreams go away and so I slept a heavy sleep.
Chapter 03
The night was already falling, but the rain had already stopped. The sky was still laden with dark clouds and a storm broke out. I closed my eyes as I felt the cold wind blow on my face. I had left the castle to ride a little and clear my head, but it didn't do much good. The whinnying of a horse made me open my eyes and look in the direction from which the noise came. I recognized Bruce's black stallion and breathed deeply. I'd been riding for two hours and certainly my mother was worried. Especially after the fight with my father. My mother must have convinced him to look for me.
- The road north is there, my friend. - he pointed in the direction of the path leading to the border. - I just hope you brought plenty of coat in that saddlebag. A small tent will also be needed. You know the road is long.
- It's not in me to run, Bruce! - I sighed. - If you came all this way to stop me from doing it, you wasted your time.
My voice came out unintentionally rude.
- My goodness! You've been kinder, my dear. - he debated. - I thought the fame of the rabid wolf was only for the battlefields. You've always been a very diplomatic lord, by the way.
I took a deep breath.
Bruce was right! I've always been fated to kindness and courtesy. I have often been surprised by my cruel attitudes towards my opponents. Sometimes I fear myself for my breakups.
- I'm sorry I had to make you come looking for me.
- Don't be! - he said smiling at me. - You know I'd eat grass with mead if she asked me to.
I frowned on Bruce's food suggestion. He loved to eat and ate everything that suited him. It would be very easy to poison him with food or drink.
- Bruce, sometimes I wonder if you're a man or a cow! - I said with horror. - All you think about is food?
- So you offend me! - he said with fake sorrow. - Who says cows live thinking about food?
- If they don't live, they should. Then we could name one of those races after you.
He rolled his eyes and we both laughed.
- Do you really think the idea of an alliance with Loch MacBride is that bad? - Bruce asked about changing the subject. - Roy has no heirs who can serve to sustain an alliance with the E
nglish. I think it's really hard for him to get anything out of Phillipe. He would have to work hard to offer more than the promise of victory to the allies.
- Yes, I have to agree that my father's idea was brilliant and very strategic. Although I can't stand Ravenna, a son with Annabel will put an end to Roy's tricks. - said looking at one of the trees.
- So what are you worried about? - Bruce made a theatrical gesture by placing his hands on his chest. - Don't tell me you're afraid of a woman?
I let out a laugh and then I made a face. I wasn't afraid of any woman, except of course, of my mother. She was a splendid queen. Cultured, diplomatic, gentle and a formidable mother.
- I'm not afraid of any woman, you know that. - I answered. - The problem is Ravenna. If she gets her social status back, I'm sure she'll help Roy in whatever way is necessary. You know how much she cherishes her half-brother.
Bruce let out a laugh by squeezing my shoulder.
- My dear fellow, I have seen you leading over a thousand men armed with your swords, shields and courage. You've never lost a battle, Alistair. He's the most feared leader among the clans. Ravenna is the one who fears him, not the other way around.
I looked at Bruce making a face. In fact, he was right. I shouldn't worry about Ravenna. I was a prince and would soon become king. If she took a false step, I could arrest her for treason and throw her into a dungeon.
The whispering of horses and the screaming of a woman made me carry my hand to the sword.
- Help! Help! Help! - she screamed when the horse went by. - Somebody stop that animal!
We were a few meters away from the trail the animal was following. It was a fork that would lead to a clearing. He was running wild while a woman tried, unsuccessfully, to control him. Two other horses have been fired on. In one of them there was a woman with light hair and she tried to reach the other one who was ahead. A knight was following the trail of the first woman with determination.